
Dear Designer

Design Mentor & Career Coach for Designers. [Almost] weekly, [Always] entertaining emails helping you get un-stuck in your career, and increase your income, impact and opportunities.

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looking for a job?

Reader, I don't know what I'm doing. Looking for a job, I mean. Because after X amount of years away from designing, I’m looking to re-enter the industry. But the things I'm looking for are different this time around, which is why I'm a little lost. What I can tell you is that currently, my dream job is the good enough job. I think what differentiates people who first enter their career vs the ones who’ve been at it for awhile is that you aren’t willing to make the same sacrifices you once...

Hey Reader, I'm writing live from our 3rd power outage this month. This is the 2nd time in 10 days. And 3rd time in a month that our power has gone out during a heat wave. 3 hours have passed now and I don’t have access to the email I drafted last week so instead here I am wingin' it which apparently looks like revealing the fact that I now eat baby food. But let’s back up. I read this in a newsletter this morning: “Parenting Hack [for 7 month old babies]: Encourage eating by pretending to...

Reader, Two of my biggest defining moments as an adult were: The 1st time I purchased a car on my own. The food fight I don’t remember exactly what started #2, but I know Josh and I were at home having one of those non-serious disagreements where no one is actually mad but you kind of feign it in a joking way... I hope you know what I mean? Well, somehow that scene escalated (still in a non-serious, joking way): It started with us throwing fistfuls of cereal at each other. Then it turned into...